Ramp up your level of education
Take on the future, step by step
Study Materials
EduNique’s advanced study materials will help provide better learning and education to your children, much better than outdated and complex notes. Material is available for all subjects and includes books, worksheets, certificates, critical thinking and logic, game cards, etc.
Students have access to 1-on-1 doubt sessions and foreign language, handwriting, and Olympiad courses. Enroll yourself in the plan that best suits your kids’ academic and personal requirements.
₹ 19999
₹ 32999
₹ 43999
₹ 54999
Eldeco Centre, Malviya Nagar
WeWork Eldeco Centre, Malviya Nagar, Eldeco centre, Block A, Shivalik Colony, Malviya Nagar, Delhi, DL 110017
Phone: 9773743007, 9599218488
Email for Queries or Info: info@edunique.in
Email for Support or Concerns: supportyou@edunique.in
Email for Careers: rightfit@edunique.in
Contact us:
Eldeco Centre, Malviya Nagar
WeWork Eldeco Centre, Malviya Nagar, Eldeco centre, Block A, Shivalik Colony, Malviya Nagar, Delhi, DL 110017
Phone: 9773743007, 9599218488
Email for Queries or Info: info@edunique.in
Email for Support or Concerns: supportyou@edunique.in
Email for Careers: rightfit@edunique.in